Computer Research, Inc.

W140 N5096 Lilly Road
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

Phone: 262.783.7676

Our Business Partnerships

These are real partners companies we work with every day. We know they will provide you with professional and friendly services with great value for your investment.

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Peak Resouce Center, Inc.

We have a joint contract that logically merges out talents with Peak Resource Center, Inc. We provide the network, harware and software configurations and Peak Resource Center, Inc. provides the complementing advanced server configuration.
Call Tim Williams @ (262) 783-7677 for savings on packaged services.

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Olsen Internet Services (Froggy Web Sites)

Bob Olsen at Froggy Web Sites specializes in developing comprehensive web based company internet systems. His web site is fun to navigate. Each subject area has a short video that gives you a unique perspective on what it takes to set up a companay web site along with important insights on all your related marketing and sales collatera.
Call Tim Williams @ (262) 783-7677 for savings on packaged services.



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